April 9 - 13, 2018
MONDAY: Ch. 11 - Rome: Republic to Empire - Vocabulary into notebook (see below for list)
Homework - Finish vocabulary
Homework - Finish Rome Map - Due 4/13
WEDNESDAY: Ch. 11 - The Founding of Rome - Read pg. 306-311
Homework - Finish Rome Map - Due 4/13
THURSDAY: Ch. 11 - The Founding of Rome - Notes in Notebook
Homework - Finish Rome Map - Due 4/13
FRIDAY: Ch. 11 - Rome as a Republic - Read pg. 312-319
Homework - None
Vocabulary for Chapter 11:
1. Devote
2. Republic
3. Legions
4. Patricians
5. Plebeians
6. Consul
7. Veto
8. Praetors
9. Tribune
10. Legislature
11. Dictator
12. Civic Duty
13. Innovation
14. Latifundia
15. Professional
16. Triumvirate
17. Pax Romana
18. Proconsul
19. Aqueduct