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Change in Plans!

The District has re-scheduled our Unify Testing we were to have today (9/14) to a later date. In lieu of this we will be starting our new unit on Weathering & Erosion (Unit 8). Students were to write down the 21 vocabulary words and their definitions on page 23 of their notebooks during class. After this they are to choose two words that they find difficult and complete the two 4-square activities to interact with each word. In one box they are write the Book Definition; another square the definition in their own words; another square they need to use the word in a sentence; and lastly they need to draw a picture of what that word means. The vocabulary list is below:

  1. Barrier island

  2. Beach

  3. Coastline

  4. Chemical weathering

  5. Delta

  6. Deposition

  7. Dune

  8. Erosion

  9. Floodplain

  10. Glacier

  11. Glacial drift

  12. Groundwater

  13. Lake

  14. Landslide

  15. Mountain

  16. Oxidation

  17. Physical weathering

  18. River

  19. Sandbar

  20. Shoreline

  21. Weathering

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